You’re Invited

Join Executive Director, Sara Kuljis, Associate Director, Jessica Peterson, and Administrative Director, Savannah Lawrence for monthly conversations surrounding your kids growing and thriving through summer camp and beyond! At camp, the staff meets daily on the Porch for encouragement, coaching, and planning.

Now, we invite you to meet us on the Porch!

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Mark your calendars, grab a cup of coffee, and zoom in!

Join us on the Porch

Enjoy three of our featured webinar recordings from the last year of Mornings On the Porch. We think you’ll like these! Want more content? Request access to our full library below.

October 2, 2024: Building Confidence in kids

Every parent longs for their child to grow a deep sense of confidence. Research is clear that confidence is not grown from receiving verbal praise and pats on the back. Rather, it comes through mastery. Join us as we talk about YSSC uniquely builds confidence in kids and how you can at home as well! 

April 24, 2024: A Day in the Life at YSSC

Join YSSC Directors Sara “Salsa” and Hannah “Roo” as they share details of a “Day in the Life” at YSSC! They talk through a typical day at camp, as well as the occasional special schedule days in a session. Lots of great questions are asked at the end of this webinar, don’t miss out on the helpful answers!

March 27, 2024: Fun with Forms & Other Favorite Fine Points

Preparing for camp is FUN! In this episode of Mornings on the Porch, YSSC Executive Director/Owner, Sara “Salsa” Kuljis and Administrative Director, Savannah “Popcorn” Lawrence share tips for completing pre-camp forms and other resources to prepare your camper for their session.

November 29, 2023: Gratitude & Generosity

Gratitude and generosity are some of the cornerstones of building happy, healthy children. As we anticipate the upcoming holiday season, this month’s Mornings On The Porch will highlight some tools from YSSC’s toolbox for intentionally building children’s gratitude and developing their generosity all year long.

October 25, 2023: Imagination

Have you ever wondered why camp is so full of costumes, characters, storytelling and creative opportunities? These are intentional steps to bolster the imaginations of our campers! With Halloween just around the corner, we will be discussing why a strong imagination is important for children and youth, fun Halloween costume ideas and ways to enrich our kids’ imagination year round.

September 27, 2023: Taking camp home with your camper

Join Directors as they discuss ways that our campers can be taking camp home with them. Campers experienced incredible growth during their time at camp! Learn tips and tricks for capitalizing on that growth and integrating “camp” throughout the year. Hear from a guest parent joining to share the ways she’s seen this in her own kids.

May 24, 2023: A day in the life of your camper

Join Directors as we talk about a day in the life of your camper! We chat with special guest, Snickers, who speaks to the health care of your camper at camp.

April 26, 2023: Preparing your child for camp

Join Directors for helpful tips on preparation for your child’s camp session including, important online forms, packing tips, and helpful conversations to have with your camper. This is an engaging and practical way to start the pre-season fun!

March 29, 2023: Skill Building Through Activities

At YSSC, our numerous activities are not just something to fill time. They are intentional learning and development experiences. So how do we make these activities powerful tools to grow your camper? Tune into this month’s conversation to learn about a core of our program, our activities.

February 22, 2023: How do I know if my child is ready for sleep away camp?

Perhaps you’ve been looking into sending your child to camp, but you’re not sure if they are ready to spend several nights away from home. Tune into this month’s conversation to learn how to evaluate if your child is ready for sleep-away camp!

January 23, 2023: Why is camp great for kids?

Have you ever wondered why families choose to invest in sleep-away summer camp for their children? Join YSSC Directors Sara “Salsa” Kuljis and Jessica “Sprinkles” Peterson as they share their research and experience about how children uniquely learn, grow and thrive through sleep-away camp programs.

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